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FAQsCan overseas qualified Audiometrists join HAASA?Due to the large variation in overseas qualifications, HAASA requires overseas applicants to obtain a Recognition of Prior Learning and Australian Diploma of Audiometry from TAFE NSW or the Australasian College of Audiometry, then go through the Supervision Process as an Associate Member. After successful completion of HAASA's 26 week Supervision Process, the applicant would be able to sit the HAASA Competency Examination. Exams are held in two parts - a written exam followed by an online case study exam. After passing the exam, applicants are able to apply to be full members of HAASA which will allow them to obtain a Qualified Practitioner number in order to provide services through the Government's Hearing Services Program. See more information regarding HAASA's Associate Supervision Program and Competency Exam. Can you tell me more about HAASA's Associate Supervision Program and Competency Exam? Yes, see more information here. I've been sick - do I have to provide full CPED points?If you have been sick for an extended period and this has impacted your ability to accrue CPED points, please write to the Board (haasa@haasa.org.au) and explain your situation for consideration. If I've done Supervision as part of my Diploma, do I have to do it again when I'm an Associate member?Yes, we require all Associate members to complete the full 26 week supervision program prior to sitting the Competency Exam. Does HAASA take members wanting to transfer from other Practitioner Professional Bodies?Yes, HAASA's Membership Committee will ascertain the equivalent level upon which the applicant will be accepted into HAASA. How long does it take to get my membership approved?Membership applications are usually approved within a couple of days except where additional information may be sought in unusual circumstances. See more under Join Us. How often does HAASA hold exams?Exams are generally held twice yearly, usually around May and November. Locations vary but most of our members are in Sydney and Melbourne so they are often held near the airports in those areas. How often are CPED days held?CPED Days are held twice yearly, usually around May and November. Locations vary but most of our members are in Sydney and Melbourne so they are often held near the airports in those areas. When are HAASA Conferences held?HAASA holds a major conference every two years usually around July; check out our Events page for information. Can excess CPED points be carried over to the next CPED Cycle?Unfortunately not. We need to ensure our members are learning information that is as up to date as possible. What credentials do our members use to describe their membership status?The following may be used on stationery after your name: MHAASA (Full Member) Can I get a refund if I am not a member for the whole membership year?New members to HAASA will have their membership pro-rated for the portion of the year they are a member. Members exiting HAASA during the membership year, eg retiring, will not be entitled to a refund of membership fees. Does HAASA help students find study placements?Unfortunately not. We consider it important that students make connections themselves out in the industry while trying to find placements. |