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The allocation system is grouped into recommended areas of activities.
Complete one (1) or more modules of the degree in a CPED cycle offered by Bachelor of Audiometry – University of New England
NB. A total value of five (5) points per module per CPED cycle
Attend a full CPED educational event offered by HAASA or an approved professional body (which professional body is recognised by HAASA and the activity is relevant to the profession of Audiometry).
NB. Up to a total value of up to eleven points (11) for full attendance. Points will be allocated on a pro rata basis for part attendance (in regards to the full day) but must cover a complete session.
Attend the educational program offered at a HAASA Conference. These events are offered every other year.
NB. Up to a total value of thirty (30) points or as published in conference materials.
Less than full attendance will attract allocation of points as determined by the CPED Committee.
Attend HAASA approved manufacturer or other organisations' workshops or educational programs. E.g. Australian Tinnitus Association, Meniers, Sydney Cochlear Implant, Better Hearing, Hearing Dogs, seminar/workshop, to achieve points allocated by the CPED committee.
Attend other hearing industry conference/s eg. ACAud, AAA, UCH, IHS, or ASA that have been approved by HAASA. Points will be allocated by the CPED committee based on the educational content. A Certificate or Letter of attendance must be obtained and retained for auditing purposes.
These events must be pre-approved by the CPED committee. It is recommended that all relevant documentation be forwarded to HAASA Secretariat prior to the event. Points will be allocated by HAASA based on hearing related educational content only.
Supervision of a student/trainee/associate. Details of the student/trainee/associate and the competency they were trained in must be signed by both parties and kept as evidence. The supervisor must be registered with an approved professional body (hearing) and details recorded with HAASA. NB. Up to 50% of your CPED points requirement per CPED cycle may be claimed for this activity.
Representing HAASA at approved functions, sitting on the HAASA executive/committee, or approved industry committee registered with the Secretariat. NB. Up to a total of ten (10) points per CPED cycle may be claimed for this activity.
NB. Up to a total value of twenty (20) points per CPED cycle may be claimed for this activity.
Complete units of study in a recognised electronic format eg. Audiology Online or E-Learning. Completion certificates to be kept as evidence. Points are generally allocated by the registered training provider but as a guide it normally equates to one (1) point per hour of study.
NB. Up to a total value of twenty (20) points per CPED cycle may be claimed for this activity.
Comprehensive reading/study which is relevant to the hearing industry for which a signed and dated synopsis of 250 words must be completed. Don't forget to reference your work appropriately.
NB. Up to a total value of twenty (20) points per CPED cycle may be claimed for this activity.
All categories of membership may submit industry/professional audiometric/audiology based activities that do not fall within these guidelines for approval by the CPED committee. These activities must be approved before the event.
The HAASA Board have decided to remove the rural/remote criteria.
The units of competency/continuing education programs offered by
various organisations such as TAFE (NSW) through its OTEN division,
University of New England, self-study, reading, hearing journals,
presenting papers, Audiology Now and Audiology Online, manufacturers,
company training programs, all provide opportunities for further education.
These should be utilised where possible, as these activities enable a
forum for discussion and interaction with colleagues.
Evidence of attendance and/or completion must be held for the purposes of auditing.